WATCH: Musicians unite in song at Johnny Clegg's final send off

Fans and family members attend a memorial service of the late legendary singer Johnny Clegg at the Sandton Convention Centre. Picture: Itumeleng English/Africa News Agency(ANA)

Fans and family members attend a memorial service of the late legendary singer Johnny Clegg at the Sandton Convention Centre. Picture: Itumeleng English/Africa News Agency(ANA)

Published Jul 26, 2019


Johannesburg - Johnny Clegg may have been buried last week, but his spirit was alive and kicking rhythmically at the Sandton Convention Centre as musicians of all manner of differences united to send him off in passionate song. 

From the teary speech and heartfelt musical performance from his son Jesse, to the passionate singing from the mourners and the poignant speeches from friends and colleagues, Clegg’s spirit filled the room as fans, celebrities and his family celebrated the life of the 66-year-old. 

He died last week after battling pancreatic cancer. He was buried at a private funeral service a day after his death.

After almost two hours celebrating Clegg’s life mostly in speeches, video slides and song, various artists of different musical backgrounds and appearances performed one of Johnny Clegg’s musical hits,  The Crossing (Osiyeza), making sure everyone in the crowd left the venue on a high.

The multi-lingual song, sang in English and isiZulu, was led in song by Jesse Clegg, the Soweto Gospel Choir and various artists, poets and musicians. 

Musicians united in song to perform Johnny Clegg's The Crossing (Osiyeza) during his memorial send off at the Sandton Convention Centre. Video: Karishma Dipa, Sameer Naik

Of course, Clegg’s music was enjoyed in South Africa and around the world. 

During his illustrious career, he was nominated for a Grammy award and was an honoree of several doctorates and orders including the Order of Ikhamanga and the Order of the British Empire for his contributions to society and music. 

Clegg had musical hits including Impi, Great Heart, Asimbonanga and African Sky Blue.

“It’s like Johnny Clegg is here with us,” a woman said during the ceremonies. 

After the memorial service, mourners were in a jovial mood after the celebration of the life of a unifying South African. 

Angus MacGillivray, a pensioner, said they enjoyed the service and had been a fan of Clegg’s for many years.

“There was a good mix of music and tributes. He is only three months older than I am, so we come from the same era,” he said.

Alicia Sequeira, a school going teen, who rushed to the service after her exam, said she loved Clegg’s music.

“I love Johnny Clegg, I listen to his music all the time.”

She said her favourite part of the ceremony was the video footage which showed highlights of Clegg’s career.

Ali Gulen, who had an ‘Impi is over’ (war is over) signage on his headgear, said Clegg’s memorial service was a fitting ceremony for the legendary artist,

“It lived up to the expectation,” he said. “Johnny Clegg was a symbol of all of us, he was not only a musician, he also preached unity and humanity for all South Africans to learn from. He always represented us as a nation so well and I’m so happy we gave him a sending off like this.”

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Saturday Star

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